Showing posts with label LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LA. Show all posts


I'm sure you have come across this image in your visual travels. It literally flashed in to my head yesterday. It seems somewhere in my noggin I have a filing cabinet for visuals and they pop back into the forefront of my mind at any given moment. I have been dreaming about freshening up our outdoor living situation so my subconscious filing cabinet brought me this:

Mark D. Sikes'  LA garden. 

I so love the feel of this garden and hope to recreate a small bit of it here. 

Mark's work is a delight to take in. Just looking at these pics takes me back to my Silver Lake apartment and the easy breezy LA lifestyle. I can never get enough of that LA light. Thankfully I can achieve some of that here in FL although the 'breezy' part of 'easy breezy' is a little questionable.  

Here is some more inspiration from Mark's website.  I am a sucker for a good Hollywood Hills home.
This is one of them.

A fun fact: Mark is getting ready to launch MD Stripes, blue and white striped knits (tops, bottoms and dresses). Read about it here.  I am very excited about it as you know how I like a good striped tee.

More cool stuff to see from Mark:  his instagram  feed and his blog.


I love the idea of a retail experience that houses both clothes and furniture. And by 'houses' I mean that literally... in a house. Its on my list of things to do someday. I have it tucked away in the visual filing cabinet in my head.

I love this new store the Olsen girls have just opened. The Row's new flagship store in LA is stunning. They have found the perfect place to put their stamp on The Row's first store. 

You can read more about their concept for the store on WWD

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...