Showing posts with label ryandunne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ryandunne. Show all posts


This week I am posting the single most IMPORTANT thing on my mind and asking you to do something. 

Each day this week is critical to gaining the 100,000 signatures needed by March 29th to get the White House to question the FDA as to why they are sitting on approval of a drug that will save my nephew's life. A drug that science says works.

Momentum is gaining, especially on twitter. Check out @theracetoyes to get on board and retweet. 

Denver Bronco players and PGA golfers are signing, tweeting and retweeting the petition. People have big hearts and these kids need that energy right now.

Please join in that momentum by signing this petition.  If you would like to find out more about why this is so critical you can visit The Race to Yes website.

Here is Ryan's story and the beauty of this website is that it was created by three high school girls. It is so wonderful to see kids take action in this caring way. 

The outpouring of love and support for my sister's family is amazing.  Kids 13yrs and older can sign this petition so if you feel comfortable, talk to them about 'kids helping kids'. 

#ryandunne #fda #duchenne #theracetoyes

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...