Showing posts with label Lizzie Garrett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lizzie Garrett. Show all posts

spotlight: TOMBOY STYLE

Today I will share with you a blog that is refreshing and original. It is one I have been reading for a little over a year now and I always find something interesting when I visit. I love Lizzie Garrett's perspective on the idea that a tomboy is not simply a girl who wears boys clothes.

Lizzie's blog encompasses a well organized look at past and present tomboy style that includes great photography and is chock full of inspiration.

Her blog goes beyond the ordinary.  Her perspective is fresh and unique and one I fully appreciate.
I think you will too...  read Lizzie's definition of a tomboy:

You can check out TOMBOY STYLE here.  Also check out Lizzie's book TOMBOY STYLE here.

Thank you Lizzie for adding dimension to the notion of a 'tomboy'.  

all images: TOMBOY STYLE

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...