Lately I've been imagining what my answer would be if someone asked me the age old magazine question: "what 10 things can't you live without?"

Its fun to think about. What are your signatures that if not in your world you would be lost without?  I mean not really lost but you know, you would miss a lot.  

Take a white sofa for example. From my early days starting out  in LA with no money I have had a white sofa. I bought a cheap sofa somewhere on a street corner on La Cienega and a bolt of white denim fabric and had slipcovers made. I've used painters drop sheets, sheets, I've done it all. How fitting then, a store named Canvas Interiors filled with white sofas should be a part of my life now. 

Here are my '10 things'.  Some are big, some are small.  But they all tug on my heartstrings and hold a special place in my world. Yes, my car tugs on my heartstrings.  Call me crazy but she has a name.

Find these 10 things here: 

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