I spent 20 years living in both LA and San Francisco working in a career spent sourcing, editing and producing beautiful images.  That career in advertising provided me with the perfect place to exercise my eye with incredibly talented Art Directors and Photographers.

During that career came a chance meeting with a guy (Mr. K) at a wedding in a castle in Ireland and a 4 year long- distance courtship. Me: California,  He: Florida.

A move from California to Florida, two kids and 15 years of marriage later, this space allows me to continue my love of all things visual.

In the years since my 9-to-5  I realized that working visually can mean more than just working in advertising. I have found great satisfaction in the world of furniture, merchandising, curating art events at our store Canvas Interiors and styling interiors.

You can see more of Canvas Interiors here

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...