lookbook: SF

I am headed to San Francisco in a few weeks to visit my westies (besties in the west) and am inspired by these images. When I lived there I had pretty much a black head to toe wardrobe. I arrived in FLA with a small handful of summer clothes (if you have been to SF in the summer you will know you don't need a whole lot of tank tops). I think this trip I am going to mix it up and ditch the noir uniform. All this FLA sunshine has gone to my head. 

It will be a challenge but I know I can do it.  Just look at these images all together. I was going to post them one by one but really, they say so much when edited together for an overall feeling.  I am going to dive into my closet and rethink how I put pieces together (like that sweater over the floaty sea foam top below) and come out with a whole new perspective.  

Cream, sea foam, grey with a dash of navy.
And of course I may have to do a
teeny tiny bit of shopping while I'm there
to complet the look.

images found: here

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...