books & nooks

One of my favorite gifts to give (and receive) is a nice big coffee table book.  In the early planning stages of canvas interiors, books were always an essential part of the vibe we were hoping to create.  

Eventually in the store I would love to line a wall with them.  For now we have a nice selection of books scattered throughout the space.  Everything from beach (Island Life) to villa (Saladino) to 70's surf culture (The History of Surfing).  

So to inspire your coffee table book collection here are images of books as decor. 

line a large room floor to ceiling and curate an open feel on each shelf

add them to a dining room for a graphic twist

jam pack a wall top to bottom to create texture

 line a corner to define space

lofty spaces are perfect for reading nooks whether a true loft...

...or a sloped ceiling in a living room

 industrial strength shelves lined with books make a contemporary space feel warm

meander up the stairs and pick a book on your way to bed

plop down in cushy splendor in a room dedicated to nothing but books

I am a little addicted to beautiful images.  While packing for my move from Cali to FLA one of the hardest things I had to get rid of  (recycle) were years and years worth of CA's and PDN's.  Some of you know of what I speak... and if not, suffice it to say many many beautiful images are now composted and hopefully growing pretty flowers somewhere. 

The computer can only satisfy so much of my need for turning pages 
so my collection of coffee table books goes on.  

first three images: me
rest of the images found: 1 //2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10

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