With warmer weather upon us in FL (sorry Northern friends) and with summer plans signed and sealed (happy place here we come) I am in full closet clean out mode. I tend to keep things in my closet a little bit too long and this week I'm really cleaning out the cobwebs from last summer. Donating all sorts of things to a good cause and it feels good. 

While letting go of styles-gone-by and impulse buys I am left with the the constants in my closet which feels awesome. Its amazing how keeping it simple is actually liberating. These constants are always in heavy rotation for me. For those who see me on a regular basis you will nod with familiarity when you see these 5 things. No surprises here. I am rather predictable. Which makes me happy and comfy. 

Mix any of these '5 things' into your look this summer for a go-to style that is so very easy.
 (clockwise from top left)

5. sandal

Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...