shout out: sfgirlbybay Victoria Smith

So proud of friend Victoria Smith of sfgirlbybay. If you haven't discovered her blog you should take a minute to visit.  It is a treat to read.

She is so incredibly talented and humble and sweet. Check out her excitement when people from Martha Stewart got in touch with her. The project: to share some of her favorite bohemian Martha momentsCongrats Victoria! Next stop - TV show. I keep saying this to her. If someone is reading this who happens to produce for say, HGTV or some such fun network... this girl needs to be in front of the camera. She has amazing ideas and innate fabulousness. 

isn't she a doll?  

Victoria is also guest pinning for Martha Stewart ... how exciting!
Check out her pins here and follow along as she adds pins.  

Victoria is a gem, I am excited for her and happy to share her accomplishments with you.

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Deep Dive

I am finding with extra time at home I am becoming more of a shopping sleuth. I have shopped on Amazon forever, but never really for 'fa...